Art Drain Project

The purpose of the Art Drain Project is to create an environment which depicts the community’s diversity, creativity, commerce and neighborhoods.  This project, along with the Mills 50® “Art Boxes” and “Art Dumpsters” will enhance the aesthetic of our community for all to enjoy.  “Art Drains” is a unique and educational program that utilizes art to communicate the function and importance of storm drains.  The purpose of “Art Drains” is to draw attention to the usually discreet concrete and iron infrastructure with the hope that observers stop and think about where the water flows after it enters a storm drain.  If they understand that storm water flows untreated to our lakes, ponds and rivers, they will be more conscious of potential pollutants that can enter those waterways.   This project, along with the involvement of our local artists, is unique and will have a positive impact on protecting our water.